Platelet-rich plasma is created by taking a portion of blood from the patient involved, and running it through a centrifuge, thereby locally increasing the concentration of platelets within the sample. The process allows for accessibility of valuable compounds the blood and plasma contains that would not have been readily available otherwise. This procedure is important because the sample proteins, which are now enriched, contains catalytic tissue support such as growth factors and cytokines. The enriched proteins will provide massive repair and rejuvenating properties valuable for patients with dermatological issues needing treatment.
The rich platelets function as a natural reservoir for growth factors that are essential in repairing injured or damaged tissues. In sight of this broad feature and the natural versatility, BIOGINIX Cell Therapy can treat a wide range of dermatological issues such as fine lines and deep wrinkles to acne scarring and sun damage, as well as correction of dark circles, and under eye-puffiness. Bioginix Cell Therapy aids with regaining lost facial volume around the nasolabial area, improvement of micro vascularization, and correction of Rosacea. Lastly, the resulting growth factors secreted by the platelets stimulate tissue recovery by increasing collagen production and stimulates hair growth.

The BIOGINIX Stem Cell Therapy encourages the skin to produce collagen and added growth factors. The resulting treatments have been seen to make the skin appear fuller, tighter and more youthful. After multiple treatments we have seen, results varying from subtle facial youth boosts to extremely younger looking skin. Other advantages of the therapy include reduction of hair loss. The full process of collagen regeneration takes anywhere between three to six months. Individual patients will yield slightly different time frames, but from our experience a high percentage of patients have seen promising and a significant difference within only a few days from the first treatment and will continue to see gradual improvement over the next few weeks.

PRP BIOGINIX injections are prepared using low volumes of patient’s blood following proper aseptic techniques. After being centrifuged, the activated platelets are injected into the target tissue, releasing growth factors that recruit and increase the proliferation of reparative cells. The therapy takes about thirty to forty-five minutes depending on specific treatment areas. A numbing agent can be applied to aid in discomfort or pain. Follow up therapy sessions are advised to maintain overall results. The number of treatments for optimum results will range anywhere from three to six treatments following a duration no less than four week intervals. Once the patient undergoes the recommended number of sessions, we advise patients to undergo touch-up treatments in intervals of six to twelve months. The intervals are dependent on the medical professional’s opinion considering factors such as the patients age, skin health, as well as previous skin conditions.

Almost anyone can be a candidate for the BIOGINIX Cell Therapy treatment. It is autologous therefore non-immunogenic, likewise there are no studies to date that have reliably documented adverse effects associated with this treatment. The treatment contains a concentration of platelets rich in proteins. The concentration of platelets and, thereby, the concentration of growth factors can be five to ten times greater than non-treated blood. The tubes were rotated in a centrifugation machine at not less than 1,500 revolutions per minute for five minutes. The centrifugation allows the blood to separation into layers, the top layer will be where the PRP resides and the bottom portion will be the remains of the red blood cells. Using a twelve milliliter tube allows for a fifty-five percent increase in collection over the smaller standard size tube. BIOGINIX is a kit designed for fast and efficient separation and preparation of highly concentrated platelets while only requiring minimal amounts of plasma from the patient. Calcium Chloride (CaCl2) is an activator of PRP. one unit per mL of CaCl2 is added to PRP and needs to be used within five minutes. In combination, Calcium Chloride + PRP provides a continuous supply of growth factors to weakened tissues and hair follicles for several months. This signifies the fact that a PRP platelet count one million/mL has become the working definition for therapeutic PRP treatment.
Almost anyone can be a candidate for the BIOGINIX Cell Therapy treatment. It is autologous therefore non-immunogenic, likewise there are no studies to date that have reliably documented adverse effects associated with this treatment. The treatment contains a concentration of platelets rich in proteins. The concentration of platelets and, thereby, the concentration of growth factors can be five to ten times greater than non-treated blood. The tubes were rotated in a centrifugation machine at not less than 1,500 revolutions per minute for five minutes. The centrifugation allows the blood to separation into layers, the top layer will be where the PRP resides and the bottom portion will be the remains of the red blood cells. Using a twelve milliliter tube allows for a fifty-five percent increase in collection over the smaller standard size tube. BIOGINIX is a kit designed for fast and efficient separation and preparation of highly concentrated platelets while only requiring minimal amounts of plasma from the patient. Calcium Chloride (CaCl2) is an activator of PRP. one unit per mL of CaCl2 is added to PRP and needs to be used within five minutes. In combination, Calcium Chloride + PRP provides a continuous supply of growth factors to weakened tissues and hair follicles for several months. This signifies the fact that a PRP platelet count one million/mL has become the working definition for therapeutic PRP treatment.

BIOGINIX Cell Therapy is a very natural, modern method of choice for quality hair restoration. It is a safe non-surgical procedure with significant results. It is an injectable treatment which uses the patient’s plasma containing active growth factors which promotes hair growth. These growth factors may help hair grow or at a minimum, slow hair loss. BIOGINIX is suitable for both men and women. The result leaves the patient with fuller healthier looking hair.
The number of treatments will depend on patient’s hair condition and will be discussed by the medical professional during consultation. Generally, the number of treatments will be four to six treatments at four week intervals. You will see significant hair growth beginning at six months and continuing thereafter. Determining factors are the amount and cause of hair loss. Overall, patient satisfaction was high, with a mean result rating of seven on a scale of one to ten. Patients should seriously consider repeat treatments in intervals of six to twelve months to maintain their hair restoration progress.


an insert polyester cell separator gel 1.2ml
+ a liquid anticoagulant Sodium Citrate